Things of a kind – YANG Qiong’s Solo Exhibition

2010.05.16 – 2010.07.10

Press Release

Things of a kind – the solidification of emotion

YANG Qiong

When I turn my attention back to the proposition “atman” from the vast complex society and public events, I seem to find my origin. I am keen on the modern society which is supported by consumerism; focus on the bright, clean, but weak and contradictory material society; more concern about the impact that this world gave us. But comparing with discussing the right and wrong of the fait accompli, I prefer enjoying and understanding their delicacy – the fragility hidden behind, the emptiness on the surface and the undercurrents in deep mind.

In fact, the exhibition is telling about such physiologic and mental feeling caused spontaneously under the environment of this modern society, specific, complex and fluctuant; even though they appear to be abstract, simple, and solidified. The materials used in this work series are well known to people: plastic, fur, rubber, etc. I try to transfer the temperament of this world in my deep mind, which is vague chaotic unbalanced and confused, by these materials and abstract language. And at the same time, the creating progress of these works is also the extension of self-excavation, and the exploration of the scene and conception, which may be existence or nihility, to the psychology or emotion.

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